Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm sick...arghhh

Not how I wanted to enter the new year.

We had a looooooong week. Christmas Eve we spent at SIL's house with hubby's side of the family. He always acts a fool there because they think he's hilarious. Yeah. We spent the night and at 8am went to Dallas Tortilla to buy the tamales for my side of the family. We wait for 30min when he announces that they are out! 1hr wait more. We head to Grand Prairie and they are closed. Back to Oak Cliff...it was not that full and the guy ahead of the line said he's been there a hour waiting patiently. One hour later the line starts moving. I tell hubby to get half the order so it won't seem so large. 14 dozen is what we needed. So he gets his 6 and I get my 8. The lady behind me says she wants 4...1 hour wait, he shouts! My bad! I hurried out of there. LOL

So we finally arrive at Beli's. Ate like there was no tomorrow. Then we played poker. I came out $15 ahead. Went to bingo later that evening and lost $30.

Friday, we go to Carmen's. We spent the night watching the worst movie EVER...The Last Winter. OMG, I told Isidro I would pay him to throw it away!

Then on Saturday we sat around watching Lifetime. I never watch Lifetime. Its like reading those True Story mags my sister loves so much. Then while fooling around reading Craigslist, I see a listing for a 14.8 cubic feet chest freezer for $100. OMG, we bought one half that size for double the price! So Carmen wants it...she's had her 5cf for 17yrs. We go home instead of spending the night...wanted my own bed. Sunday we join up with them and they get the freezer in Ft.Worth. She emptied hers and it barely filled the bottom of the freezer. Yay~

So I call Tia Julia because we are supposed to go to their house and she says she's making Mole....nooooooo, we are gonna take them out. Applebee's it is.

Carmen gets Isidro to take her. Party of 11. OMG, my steak dinner was so good...and too little!!

On to home, its midnight and I'm so glad hubby's driving.

Monday morning........SICK!~~!~!!@!!@#r$^%&^^$#%$$^%&^^$#@@!!

And here we are.

Dirty house and I'm hosting New Year's Eve. Arghhh......someone kick me in the butt!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy 18th Birthday Michael!

Not a recent photo but, one of the sweetest ones there is of you. :)

Oh Michael....

I'm not your momma but, I love you so much, it hurts. As the old saying goes, I only want what is best for you.

It was so damn hard not to let you come back to our home. But, I am really glad you and your mom have settled a bit. I know there are still flare ups but, less. Right?

Wow, Michael, 18!!

I pray for you, Michael. I pray that you see the light and it shows you the road that will be right for what you need to do. Please give lots of thoughts in choosing the way. Whether it be to join the Navy like you've been talking about or staying in school to try to finish, I will support your decision because its all you now and you alone in command of your life.

All my love to you, Michael.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Working again again

When I previously posted that I was working...it lasted a week. Sales were down and it was not enough to keep 2nd shift open.

But, they won this weekend and I was called yesterday to come back. I immediately said yes. After I hung up, I realized 8hrs of making freaking boxes. GROAN!!

Ces't la vie!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All I want for Christmas.......

Joanna wrote her letter last night. She put it under the tree and is already thinking about what cookies she's going to bake him. Lucky dude!

We went to the tree lighting ceremony here in Irving.

It was funny to see her dad driving in the parade...

They had pony rides.....

And she got to tell Santa her wishes...

Which she wrote down to make sure he knows......

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hubby and I took advantage of his vacation and joined Joanna for lunch at her school. To tell the truth, they've gotten really chintzy. Popcorn chicken, milk, green beans and warm applesauce. Maybe because my belly's gotten bigger, it looked like wtf?

Joanna's classmates were too cute. There's this one little girl who always hugs her. She told us Happy Christmas.

Afterwards they have to sweep up any mess. Why do they fight for this when its hard to get them to do chores at home? Go figure!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Working again.

Last night I started again with the Dallas Cowboys but, this time at the warehouse connected to their outlet store. It was like being in a candy store. OMG, they even have a freaking DC Gnome!

It was interesting. Online orders, some only like a DC Toothbrush in a box.

Yvonne from the other warehouse is there which, makes it more bearable.

This time I work til 1am. Ouch!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tickles didn't make it.

He was fine in the morning. We've been gone all day. I just looked in on him and found him curled up in the corner under his wheel. Gone.

I guess he had a hidden injury or something. Poor little guy. We did have him for about 6 months or so. Bye bye Tickles..........

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tickles was NOT tickled!

To be carried around in the cat's mouth.

Joanna went to the restroom and yelled out that the cat was after Tickles, her Chinese Dwarf hamster. Kitty Kitty has eyed that thing since the get-go. Well, it happened. Kitty kitty was able to get him out of the cage. Hubby ran after him but he crawled under my desk. I looked and saw Tickles hanging from the mouth and no movement. Kitty kitty growled at me and I told hubby to open the door and let him do his dirty deed outside.

Joanna was teary and I told her Tickles was gone. Then something made me look outside and I saw kitty kitty running and hopping around. That $%^%&#% is playing with Tickles! So, I walk out there in my bare feet (anyone with diabetic nerve pain will know how joyous it was to walk the cement, not!!) and see Tickles on the ground, not moving. The cat eyeballs me and snatches him back up and runs off. Here, kitty kitty, my dumbass calls to him. The cat is GALLOPING away....all around to the other side of the units. Ughh, my feet!!!

So, hubby and Joanna are watching me from the door and he says that the cat ran towards the stairs on the side. I go inside to get shoes and they come with me. We see the cat with Tickles in the mouth again and sneak up on him. As soon as I saw him drop Tickles, I told hubby to run up and scare him, which he did. Then in the moonlight we barely see Tickles kinda prancing around and we couldn't grab him. Hubby took off his shirt and was able to lay it on the ground and scoop up Tickles.

As soon as we put him back in his cage, he gets in his wheel and squeaks around. His hair was mussed up with cat saliva but, there was no blood to be found on him or hubby's shirt. Yay!!!

I just got up out of habit and checked on him. He needs a brush but, Tickles' got it on!


Friday, November 21, 2008

What I can look forward to......

While hubby is on his 2 week vacation. Pray for me. :P

Remember Fire Drills?

Well, now they've included Lock Down Drills. Joanna came home quiet the other day. I asked what was wrong but, she said she didn't want to tell me. Finally she tells me that 2 bad people came to the school and they had to hide. She said Ms. Luke made them go into the gym. She said she didn't want it to happen again.

So, the next day I ask Ms. Luke about it. She asked if Joanna was scared? I said yes. She said they had the drill all of a sudden while they were in the playground and she apologized. Not her fault and I guess its a good thing to do. Not really sure. I hate that its come to this in our schools.

Just mumbling.......confused and scared.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tired but, not tired.

Wow, was there a good stocking up sale at Kroger these past two weeks. Tomorrow's sale will be eh. So, I will get to rest and find a place for all of this. I might even bake a cake.

Weird, how I missed doing something mundane as to make papas con huevos and not be worried about having my head fall in the skillet from lack of sleep. :P

I still have Mamma Mia! on my mind. Too much fun. Joanna spent a bit on the pc yesterday looking at shorts from the movie. She was imitating Meryl's moves. Fun!

I did an ABBA channel on Pandora.com. Energizing! I made papas con huevos energizing! :)

Last night while I tried to show my SILs how to use coupons and get a 4lb bag of sugar for .45, Joanna's second tooth fell out. She was so embarrassed. ( I need help on how to help her not to worry about others.) Tooth fairy gave her $1 and change. The tooth fairy's hubby wanted more but, I told him it was going to come out of his Send-money-to-mother-in-Mexico fund. He shut up.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hot damn Mamma Mia!

Full on freaking fun! I looooooooooooooove this movie!

This part made me cry, I'm sure was the objective. It was beautiful. Oh my Joanna....

Friday, November 14, 2008

What I needed. Puppies!

Its over!

They cut second shift and tonight was my last night. I will miss so many people there. Wahhhhhhhhh! Damn Jessica Simpson! :-P

But, I am also anxious to get this place cleaned up!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My pc is fried.

Before we left tonight, the lights went out for a second. I restarted my computer. We left and in the parking light we saw the lights go out again for a second. Now home, I tried restarting and nothing. The green light is on but no motor whirring going on. So, I unplugged everything and plugged back in the power cord. The green light on the motherboard comes on but, that's it. I'm thinking power supply but, then it wouldn't light up, right? Hubby used some thingy and says a resistance (???) is burnt.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pics of Halloween 2008

What a month!

Here is La Princessa Joanna. I really hope to have her dressed in traditional Halloween gear next year. After all was said and done, she said she didn't want to go candy begging next year, she wants to hand it out. I know she's really evil deep down and will have fun scaring kids. Hee hee!

We went down Swiss Ave. because Beli told us how awesome it was. Uh, yeah. Ok. Long lines to get a tootsie roll. No fun at all! It was so jammed, you couldn't even stop to admire other trick-or-treaters. We took our nieces and nephews because last year it was just us three and my poor baby was a lonely girl.

Ugh, I uploaded backwards. LOL. This was supposed to be at the end.....a self portrait! :P

Marilda.......don't know if it was measles or freckles....

Joanna with a creepy Superman.

And with her cousins.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Holt Caterpillar celebrates 75 years.

They had a dinner at the shop on Oct. 21. Hubby is so proud of working there. Even though, me, sourpuss, wishes I could speak for him for some unfair things they do!

Anyway, he took Joanna and they had a great time. I wonder why? LOLOLOL

Here are a few pics of the celebration including the derby mini car the Hydraulic shop submitted in the Holt Derby. They won the President's Award. That's a pic of Alfredo driving. :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

State Fair of Texas part 2

Just a few pics. :P

First up is Joanna with Miss Texas. She was very nice. Hubby was very happy.

The next pics are our day at the fair. She won a pink monkey, rode the swings and petted a donkey in honor of her father. Hee hee! She got to meet Barney and took a pic of us. All in all it was a nice day with just the three of us.

Monday, October 27, 2008

So far behind!

I have the State Fair pics, the Holt dinner and the Holt Family Day in San Antonio, to post.

We invited Carmen and her family along and spent the night in SA. It was a nice time. Hilarious was when one of the zombies walking around chased this teen. He was right behind her and she dropped her drink and took off like a rocket! He kept up with her until she finally ran back and rejoined her family. She was shivering! Then the zombie was posing for pics when the father came up and said "Just so you know, that little girl you were chasing, lost her drink and necklace." I have no idea how it was resolved but, I know people were kind of booing the dad. I mean, come on, its Frightfest, you know spooks were going to be walking around. If you are scared like that, you should wait for Holiday in the Park!

Pics later......swear! Joanna got her face painted, it was her favorite part.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Do you want your daughter to be like you?

I was asked this yesterday and I busted out crying.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Texas State Fair 2008

We were barely there 10 minutes when we bought a special $10 package at the Texas Lotto booth, that allowed you to spin the wheel for a chance of free scratch offs or get in the wind machine. Well, hubby spun and got the star. He would get one scratch off for every dollar he'd catch. Ended up with 43. We scratched them off and won $33 plus 8 free tickets for the Texas Two-Step drawings. It was prett cool.

In other news, my sweet nephew Mario was hurt at his football game yesterday. They broke his femur. We were at Baylor til 11pm. They operated and put a rod in his bone and thankfully, it was a clean break so there should be no problems. Poor baby!

I will post pics of my own baby later. I'm about to crash!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Garage sale!

Wow! Monday is Joanna's fair day and all we had was my check. So, we decided to sell some of my free stuff. We made $360!! And I sold cheap!

Dawn dish detergent .50 each
Softsoap hand soap .50
Electrasol dishwasher tabs 2.00 each
Shampoos $2 or 2/$3
Razors same
Lysol Neutr air - the big one that sells for over $10 - $5 each
Glade scented oil plug ins $2 or 2/$3
Glade air sprays .50

Lots of things were free for me. The most I paid for anything was $1 and I tripled that and was still a big bargain for the non-coupon shopper.

Some ladies took all of one thing. The first one there took all the softsoap and dawn. $20.50 right away!

Now I have to restock. Tonight I bought 8 tubes of Crest and paid $0.00. The ones I had at the garage sale sold for $1. Wednesday the Softsoap will be on sale at Kroger and I'll be getting those for free.

Love it!

Now we will have a great day at the fair. Whoooooooo hooooooooo!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Can't add worth ^%$#^&^

My post, all out there for everyone to see!

And I see that I can't add.

9x7= 62


What a doofus. LMAO

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rolling, rolling, rolling....at CVS

When I would get ECBs from CVS, I would just spend them on whatever. Just like before coupons, I was just...oh, ok.

Now, I finally get it! When you get an ecb, use it to buy a product that will produce ecbs! Doh!

Right now I have $16 in ECBs. Extra Care Bucks from CVS Pharmacy.

I just went and got 2 Bic Soleil razors. On sale for $5.99 and you get $4 in ECBs. I printed out a coupon for $2.00 off. So, using ecbs from another purchase, I paid $0.00 out of my own money and used $8.00 in ECBs and received $8.00 in ECBs. I did buy 7 jumbo pens for 9cents each and paid that with my gift card so that it wasn't so obvious I was rolling. Still was zero oop (out of pocket) since the gift card was from a refund.

$5.99 x 2 = $11.98
$0.09 x 7 = $0.62
- $4.00 Bic Soleil coupons
- $8.00 ECBs
$0.60 plus tax
Used GC to pay for it, received $8.00 in ECBs.

I like this rolling. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tough love is so hard.

Michael moved out a while ago.

Today I was visited by a truant officer. He was checking on a claim of domestic violence. I told him the truth that he didn't live here anymore and was with the neighbors. I kinda hinted that if anything was wrong, he would move back in with us.

Well, my sister and he spoke to someone at school and he has two options. Move back in with me or move back to Mesquite. Well, he could stay if by Monday, the neighbors apply for school guardianship. I don't think they will and Michael will think nothing of it to ask it of them.

If he were to ask me if he could come back. I will still say no and cry afterwards. I feel like he has nowhere to go. But, I also feel like its his own fault. Not 100% but, 95%.

I just hope he doesn't make the wrong decisions.

He feels like no one loves him but what it is, is that no one loves him the way HE wants them to love him.

What we've done is not good enough. And I feel like a failure in trying to make him understand.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Beli!

38 years of being a pain in my %&&^#@. But, I love ya, sista. I hope you have a GREAT day! Happy Birthday!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy 50th, Monk!

I appreciate your visits. :)

My friend's son is Monday and my sister's is Tuesday. Libra's unite! :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Phoenix Sinclair is here!

Born around 8:30pm ET. I don't know the details but, here are the pics Gabriel sent from his phone. What a cutie!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Like I said....if its not one thing...

Since I have to go in late because of Joanna's school, I stayed late at work til 1:30 in the morning to hopefully get my 40hrs.

And today was the day to put me at 40. And guess what? I have a flat tire. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH

Waiting on "da man" to come change it. He has the jack.

Now, I will have to stay late tonight.

This must be the ups of hell days. Cause, I know the devil is giggling.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

If its not one thing...

Michael has moved out. Before he got the boot, actually.

After many misgivings, I registered him for school. A 17yr old freshman. He was not embarrassed. He swore he would do good. He swore that it was not for friends.

Last night on the way home from work, I find out he moved out because his girlfriend is 3 months pregnant.

When Gabino took him back in last January, one of the rules was that if he got someone pregnant, he had to move out. Gabino's logic is never sane but, Michael agreed to it.

So, one week into school....do I withdraw him or hope he doens't do me wrong and start skipping where IIIIIIIIIIII will be responsible for his truancy. In December he turns 18 and will be on his own. School said that if he skips they kick him out without any further obligation to his education.

I looked up his myspace and his mood is "scared" and his quote say "don't know what to do."

I told him not to believe a girl when she says she's protected. Why donn't they ever listen?

And he brought up to my mother that Gabriel, Sabrina and Veronica all have babies and no one thinks the worst of them. Well, if he wants to compare cousins and brother, Gabriel and Sabrina graduated.

Ugh, what do I do????????????????

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And its out!

Her tooth came out. The other chiclet is already on its way in. This was so fast! It was like one day it was loose and next day, auf wiedersehen. The pics are lousy but it was in a hurry because she was on her way to school. Oh my baby!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome Cristobal!

I'm a grand-Aunt again!

Cristobal was born to my niece Veronica and hubby at around 3:45am. I love the number 5 so, this is an even sweeter day!

I can't wait to see him! Pics later.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Stupid Dog!

Acutally, she's not stupid but, this dog gets on my nerves. She's chewed her way through I don't know how many wires and things. And my sister babies her. Also funny is how she barks if anyone "fakes" hits my sister.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Tears starting to form....oh my baby....growing up.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Joanna has a loose tooth!

OMG, almost brought tears to my eyes. We were in Target and she showed it to Carmen. What? Let me see! There it was, a wiggly tooth. One of the bottom front. Wahhhhhhhhhhh! I took a picture but, you can't really tell it's loose.

Yesterday was Meet the Teacher at her new school. I had called earlier to request her being switched to a regular class instead of the Dual Language class. Well, it wasn't updated and we spent 3o mins. in the wrong class. Sigh...and once we learned where her real class would be, we find out her teacher was out sick. So, Monday we will meet her and then leave her to join the other parents in a Boo-Hoo Breakfast.

Wow, she will be in class for the WHOLE day!

In other news, my mom was taken to the ER night before last. She was having the same symptoms as before when it was a heart attack. Thankfully, it was not a heart attack. They couldn't find what was wrong but, they said she had gallstones......and that it was not anything to be worried about right now but, to keep it in mind. WTF? Shaking my head at that.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

R.I.P Philip

August 18, 1947 - July 29, 2008

My mom goes to dialysis 3 times a week. She, as usual, made some friends.

One whom was Philip, or as I usually called him, Charles. He looked like a Charles. Then about a month ago, he told me his middle name was Charles. Imagine that.

Sometimes he wouldn't show because he'd end up in the hospital. He had ulcers in his feet and just touching them on the floor brought him moans of pain.

Well, last week he hadn't shown for more than usual. So my mom finally asked today. And yes, he had passed.

I am so angry at myself that I couldn't take the time to go to his apt to check on him. We'd give him a ride home most of the time. Supposedly I've been too busy. I'd only remember when taking mom to dialysis and I'd forget by the time we got home.

Philip was a sweetie. I will miss him. I got to meet his mom the last time I took him home. He said he hadn't seen her in 3 months. Thank you, God, for that.

I'm sorry Charles. Too little too late, I know, but I'm sorry. R.I.P.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We're going to be Godparents!

To this beautiful baby boy....

His name is Cesar. He's Mayela's, hubby's sister in Mexico. OMG, he's so cute. And not fussy.

They are planning on a December baptism. Joanna will have to miss out. :( That's the only thing I hate but, I can't expect Mayela to wait on us til he's 5!! ARghhh!!

Dang immigration!!!


It was a sorry ass trip and I will never ride Turimex again. And Monteczuma got his reveng!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

On the way to Monterrey

Mexico, that is.

But, Joanna still can't come. :(

We're taking our nephew to the American Consulate for a voluntary deportation while he awaits his appointment to Cuidad Juarez.

I had to stick like glue because I wanted to see the friends. I do feel extremely guilty leaving her but, I asked Victoria to stay the weekend with her. That made it better for her. She loves Victoria even if Victoria is annoyed with her sometimes. Pffttt!

Adios for now....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My first sweat check.

$129.55. Whoo! And I sweated every hour for 20 hours for that chump change. But, guess what, its MY money. I made it. If I wanted to, I wouldn't have to depend on anyone. Freedom!

Yeah, anyway....lol

It does feel good, tho.

BTW, I now have a job at the Dallas Cowboys warehouse. Folding, tagging, bagging and packing merchandise. It is easy easy easy. But my feet! I just worked a whole week and its getting better.

Hubby had a test on heat stress and it says that the body takes 5-7 days to adjust and I guess its true.

I think I'm gonna make it. :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In coupon heaven and hell.

I haven't stopped. I think I've found the alternative to sweepstakes. The difference is that, with coupons, your win is in your hot little hands right then and there!

I have so much freaking shampoo, Joanna's kids will be using it.

I have 32 packs of gum!! I didn't even buy any before. What free will do to you!

This coming week, hopefully it will be food I will stock up on. There's some great sales coming.

If you are interested in couponing and getting obsessed like me, go to http://www.hotcouponworld.com

It will blow your mind!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Somebody help me!

I've gone coupon crazy!

I'll be back in a few with a bagful of shampoo and dishwashing detergent that will have cost me NOTHING!

Why didn't I know about this way before???

Who needs a sweepstakes win for a rush? Coupons, my man!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Coupons Pt. 2!

Today at Kroger I got:

3 cans of Planters peanuts
9 pks of Kool-aid
3 jars of McCormick Grinders (sea salt and peppercorn)
2 boxes of Suddenly Salad
1 box of Hamburger Helper
3 pkgs of Weber Grill Mates seasoning
10 - 2ltrs of Coca~Cola sodas (diff flavors)
After Kroger card:
$27 and change
After coupons:

AND a coupon for $4 off my next Kroger purchase was given to me for buying the peanuts.

So, in reality, I paid only $3.76.

I gave the coupon to my mom who was right behind me. :D

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meet Tickles....

Joanna has her first pet of her own. We went over to my SIL's house and they have 2gerbils. Momma G had 3 babies. After that we went to a garage sale and they had a beginner habitat for $1.

So, yesterday, we went to Pet Smart and got a Dwarf hamster. They only sell males so we have to look at an unpleasant anatomy part of him but, otherwise he's really cute.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My coupon experience.....

Wow, just wow!

Sure, I had the occasional freebie coupon that I would redeem but, I had no idea!

My friend, Carmen, would always tell me what she got free at the store and I just oo'ed and aww'ed but, I never got motivated enough to clip any coupons myself.

Well, last night hubby took like a demon with the scissors to the coupons. He was determined we were going to be like her and save tons.

Today we met up with her and we bought $224 and paid $53!

First stop was Target. It was the most expensive stop. I got 8 bottles of shampoo, 2 tubs of Lysol wipes, 1 bottle of Pine-Sol, 8 - one lb bags of cat food, 2 - 24ct family size Lipton tea bags, 2 big bottles of Hellman's mayo, 2 - 15pk of razors for hubby. The only thing not with a coupon was 2 boxes of patches for my mom and a 6pk of plastic bowls for 0.48c on clearance. Total was $75 and change. After the coupons, it was $32 but, aha! She forgot to take off 2 coupons off of the shampoo for $1 each......so $30!

Kroger is too long to list.....it all scanned at $109. After scanning the Kroger card, it was $70. After coupons, it was (drumroll................) $8.47!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we took a break and ate and then hit Albertsons. It was over $40 and I paid $13. That includes 3 boxes of cereal, 2 Kraft mayos, 2 rolls of Owens sausage, a 6pk of Yoplait for kids, a 4lb bag of sugar and a dozen eggs.

And the sugar was on sale for $0.99 and we had a coupon for $0.30 off....tripled, the sugar cost us 9 freaking cents!!

Carmen made her kids go in line with the sugar because there was a limit of 1. I made out with 9 bags of sugar for $0.81 cents!!! Carmen gave them to me.

Oh yeah, in the Kroger deal, I bought 8 - 2pks of Lever bar soap, $1 a pk. We had coupons for $1 off!!

OMG, she's hooked me!!

Hubby is in awe as well as me. All this time paying retail with the occasional coupon. NOT ANYMORE!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our vacation at the Zoo.

Hubby took Thursday off so we could take Joanna to the zoo. It rained that morning with chances of rain all day. Thankfully, it only happened in the morning. Cooled the day off till about 3pm. Then OMG, I was soaking. What a day to forget my deodorant!

There was a mandrill that was sitting at the window. Only thing separating us. For some reason he took offense with hubby. He was hitting the glass and playing with his $^&%*%. He was so beautiful. The colors on his face...wow. It may be sad to see them like this but, seriously, we would never get to be that close ever, without a zoo....

There's a new thing -- Stingray Bay -- I got to feed one. He sucked up that fish from my hand without touching me. Hubby chickened and dropped the shrimp right when he was about to get it from him. Ha ha!

Joanna really enjoyed it. We didn't tell her anything until we drove up.