Friday, September 11, 2009

BTFE Back to school giveaway

Well school has been going on for awhile but who couldn't use more supplies?

Thanks again to My Blog Spark , I get to host a giveaway.

BTFE or Box Tops for Education are a way to earn money for school. Clip them off of products, send them in to your child's school coordinator and voila, you've helped them earn money. You can also go to their website and print out coupons.

My Blog Spark sent me a box with highlighters, glue sticks, binder and 2 coupons. One for Totino's Pizza Rolls and one for Pillsbury's Toaster Strudel. Both products have box tops on their packaging. And now Avery has joined in. The binder has two box tops attached to the upc. Great! The prize pack includes 14 box tops!

One lucky reader will win the following prize pack generously sponsored by My Blog Spark.

All you have to do is comment on what was the first thing you would do after school as a kid? Straight to sports, homework, TV?

Extra entries by tweeting or blogging about this giveaway. Please post a separate comment for each one you've done.

I will pick a winner using on September 18, 2009, 9:00pm CT. You have 48 hours to respond or I will have to choose another winner. The prize will be shipped by My Blog Spark.

I will not sell any emails or information given to me whatsoever.

This giveaway is only open to residents of the US, age 18 and over.

If your blog is private or you don't have a blog, you must give your email address in the comment. It is the way the winner will be contacted.

Good Luck!


Beli said...

Came home and had to make flour as a grown up I'm glad I was taught how to. Thanks MOMMA

Anonymous said...

When i was a kid, the first thing i would do when i came home would have a snack.

Anonymous said...

I remember watching alot of Gilligan's Island episodes after school. lol
Then,... any homework had to get done before supper.

wendym at cableone dot net

Toystory said...

EAT.... I was always staving by the time I got home. It was soooo far from lunch and altho close to dinner... I was still starved (or felt like it).

barbara said...

I turned on the TV and did math homework as soon as I got home. I loved math - no thinking - just DO it without paying attention.

barbara said...

I tweeted:

Rita M said...

As a young kid I'd turn on the Mickey Mouse Club, later it was American Bandstand!

Unknown said...

Our bus stop was at 7-11, so every afternoon I remember buying a Heath candy bar and a Sprite. After that I'd play Asteriods! Home work was the first thing I did after I got home. ;-P

Denise S. said...

I would run home to watch Little House on the Prairie re-runs.

ky2here said...

Watch Dark Shadows!

pattycake said...

played outside

Anonymous said...

I would change my clothes and go feed the Chickens, help in the garden or other farm chores as needed,

5webs said...

OK, this is embarrassing. I would rush in and turn on Oprah, because after I had walked home, it was already half over. Then I'd eat something, and then do my chores.
Alicia Webster

Brn2lisn said...

The first thing i would do when i came home would have a glass of milk and some cookies as a snack. Then did my homework before TV


Unknown said...

Hmmm - we would race home to see who could get the tv first (we only had one) I wanted to watch Lost in Space and my brother wanted to watch the local program Wallace and Ladmo, which was a kids variety show. I usually won (he was a slow runner!)

Amanda S. said...

I'd get a snack!

Sellswifey said...

Watch Saved by the Bell!

Joseph said...

First thing I did when I got home was run to the bathroom. Then fix myself a snack usually consisting of chips or a candy bar with soda all the while watching tv.

Linda said...

If the weather was nice, I wouold play outside with my friends. Otherwise, I would start on my homework.

Barbara Montag said...

The first thing we did after school was unwind.
Sometimes it was watching TV, maybe reading.

Barbara Montag said...


Anonymous said...

kick off the shoes,
turn on Disney channel!
and have an hour to snack and chill out before the boring Homework!

Lower Mitten Kitten said...

When I was a kid, the first thing I did when I arrived home from school is had a snack.

Lower Mitten Kitten said...


renski17 @

bettycd said...

Turned the TV on - there were some teen music shows and Dark Shadows

clynsg said...

Changed out of my school clothes right after I got home, and then did my homework if I had any.

clynsg at

Erica C. said...

I would go straight to doing my homework while watching tv.

Dreamin' said...

Chores then homework.

Please enter me!


Wanna Doo 22572 @ aol . com

Dreamin' said...

I follow on Twitter.

Please enter me!


Wanna Doo 22572 @ aol . comi foll

Darlene said...

watch TV and have a snack (no snacks in school back in those days)

kdkdkd said...

I would get a snack and watch tv - my Mom worked so there was no one to tell me what to do when I got home or make sure I did my homework :(

elizabeth p said...

When I came home it was snack, phone a friend, homework and clean house. I am queenesperfect at

mindy said...

came home and waited for mom to call to make sure i got in o.k minsthins at optonline dot net

llinda29 said...

eat cookies and milk

pattycake said...

tweeted Latest: than 5 seconds ago

Sonya Cocherell said...

We always did our homework first. Thanks!

Unknown said...


Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Kristi Price said...

Well where the heck have I been?? I didn't know you had a blog Good for you! :)

The first thing I would do would be to grab some change out of the change jar and run outside to meet up with my 3 best buddies to wait for the ice cream man. lol Then we would play until suppertime.

Kristi Price said...

tweet -

Greta said...

I loved the start of school. It meant new boys... I'd go right to flirting.


mogrill said...

I would go the bathroom, get a snack and watch after school specials. Thanks for the chance.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I would run home from school to watch "Dark Shadows"-a very long time ago! thank you!

msrodeobrat said...

i always did my homework

Anonymous said...

We would watch TV after school.


cstironkat said...

I had to change into my play clothes before I even thought about doing something else. Then I went out and played till dinner. We did homework after dinner. My mom thought it was important to go outside and get fresh air after being in school all day.

mscoffee77 said...

I would have a snack first thing after school.


Nicole C. said...

The first thing I would do was turn on the tv and then get something to eat!!


Miranda said...

the first thing I would do coming home from school was GO TO THE RESTROOM!!!

Everyday, I'd walk in the door and straight to the restroom.. even now after work or after being at the store, I get home and head to the restroom... old habits are hard to break..thank goodness for having 2 bathrooms in the house!!!

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

CAme home and had a snack! Had lunch at 10:30 so I was starving by 3:30!! :)

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

Tweet !

JC said...

First thing I would do after school as a kid- snack!

Qwill said...

First thing I did when I came home was give my doggie, Munchkin, some lovings.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I would do is watch TV.

hebert024 at aoldot com

Kimberly said...

After school, I had to hurry up to get home an walk the dog.

idahomom said...

Gilligan's Island

Wendy said...

When I was a kid the first I is turn on the TV and then find something to eat.

bear101 at hotmail dot com

Hud's Hut said...

When I got home from school, I would have a glass of chocolate milk. Then we would watch Gilligan's Island.

Puppy Express said...

straight to soccer practice

Nickolay said...

Watching after school cartoons was always one of the first things I would do


Happi Shopr said...

a snack and homework. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Sonya said...

We used to play outside for an hour or so before we settled down to do homework.

chromiumman said...

watch tv

heaventrees said...

The first thing I did was turn on the TV. I can't remember what shows were on right after school but that TV had to go on.

denyse said...

I had to come straight home and do my homework before I could do anything else!

marthajane said...

The first thing I usually wanted to do was take off my shoes and sometimes change my clothes. It's still what I do when I get home from work!

ShyMommy said...

Well, I was homeschooled as a child so I pretty much went outside to play with my friends once their respective schools let out.

Unknown said...

I would get home grab a snack, call my mom to let her know I got home safe and watch tv


Unknown said...

I tweeted about this giveaway:

jessa1130-twitter id

Smooshy said...

watch tv while getting something to eat

Anonymous said...

i only had one friend so even as i walked home id be reading a book, id come home and read till homework time, my mom was always more busy with her job to take care of me so books became my only friends, my son is getting all the things i couldnt, thanks

Anonymous said...

fix food

Darcie K. said...

I was a latchkey kid, so I had a snack then did homework!

Leslie S. said...

We always sat down to have a snack and do homework.Thanks!

Amy delong said...

usually homework,snack&listen to the radio


techyone said...

Tv and a snack.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, the 1st thing I did was rush to the phone and talk to my best friend.

Thanks for reminding me of this:)

Unknown said...

I recorded my abc soaps and watched them. My mom got me into soaps when I was rather young.

Unknown said...

I would hit the snacks first. I couldn't do homework on an empty stomach.


Julie Vineyard said...

I would come home and watch General Hospital!

Anonymous said...

Theater rehearsal.

Amy said...

I was a latch key kid from an early age, I would go home, make a snack and grab a book.

Renee G said...

I would always come home, and then sit down and tell my mom all about my day.


Karin said...

To my recollection, I usually had cookies and kool-aid after school... Sometimes I'd run next door to visit my grandma.

karin56381 (at)

chazvgo said...

By the time I got home from practice I was STARVING so I would eat :)

Janette said...

I'd drop my books off and go straight back out to ride bikes or go tp the playground.

Tammy said...

I was a pretty diligent kid, I did my homework right away!

taylorbagels said...

Put on the tv and see what my mother was making to eat.

taylorbagels said...

Tweeted the giveaway ...


Mishia said...

The first thing I'd do was eat a snack.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I would eat a snack and then head outside to play. I was allowed an hour outside, then homework, then I could play again till dinner. It was alot different then, my parents didn't have to worry as much as we do now!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

The first thing was I would look for a snack and then go out and play.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


susansmoaks said...

i would eat a snack and then go play outback.

susan1215 said...

I would have a snack and then my Mom made me do homework before I played

Anonymous said...

as a kid I had to watch scooby doo and thunder cats right after school, as a teen i loved the after school specials, then I did homework

latishajean said...

I would have a snack and do homework.

Steph said...

I had a snack first thing when I came home.

Pamela S said...

If it was nice I would go ride my bike up and down the hill by our house! Thanks so much.

07violet said...

eat, I was always hungry

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Kathy P said...

i always went straignt for the tv for the brady bunch and partridge family :)

Dawn Reid said...

Homework first, chores, then outside to skate.

Miranda Ward said...

Little house on the prarie

Betty C said...

I liked to get the homework out of the way so I could play until bedtime.

Jen Beedie said...

When I was a kid, I would rush home to play with my friends. We didnt have alot of tv channels or cool video games so outside was everything

Sarah Z said...

Snack first!
believedreamcourage (at)

Anonymous said...

The first thing I would do was head to the kitchen and then turn on the tv.

Kim (Randominities) said...

The first thing I would do is turn on the tv and watch cartoons or Johnny Sockko! Only later would I do homework. Okay, usually I did it in the morning before running off to school. That was when I could walk to school and didn't have to wait for a bus.

cman said...

Cartoons and snacks.